Monday, May 25, 2009

OKI color laser printer - Okidata C5500N 20/24PPM 120V color led printer

For small workgroups demanding superior quality at an affordable price, the C5500n Digital Color printer from OKI Printing Solutions is your answer. It comes network-ready, combining incredible print quality, fast printing speed, the ability to print on a wide variety of media, and the legendary reliability of OKI Printing Solutions products backed by industry-leading support.The C5500n combines multilevel LED printing and new microfine toner (HD Color technology) and 1200 x 600 dpi resolution to render finer detail, more saturated colors, and more precise toner placement than ever before - for breathtaking results on regular copy paper and glossy media.The C5500n delivers crisp, bright, color output, with the first page printing in as little as 11 seconds. Black & white pages print at up to 24 ppm, the first in as little as 10 seconds. For 2-sided color, the optional duplex unit will deliver your documents at nearly the same productivity-enhancing speeds.

Technical Details

  • Connector/Port - High-speed USB
  • Memory - 64MB, expandable to 320MB
  • Print Resolution (DPI) - 1200 x 600
  • Print Speed (Black) - 24
  • Print Speed (Color) - 20
5.0 out of 5 stars Replaced my C5200n w/ a C5500n and loving it., December 19, 2006
By D. Pentecost "davoice" (Earth, Milkey Way Galaxy) - See all my reviews
Choosing an LED based printer over a laser based printer is a personal choice. Each technology uses a completely different dither pattern. Laser printers tend to produce a more "feathered" dither - which some people like and think looks better. LED printers produce a more "crisp" dither more akin to offset printing - which I personally prefer.

The C5500n is a great LED based printer. I purchased mine as a floor model close out from a local office supply store at a discount. It replaced my current C5200n. The toner used in the C5500n and C5800ldn is different from that used in the previous generation 5100/5200/5300 units. Colors appear a bit more vivid with the new toner.

My first print job was 600 fliers for a silent auction at church - each w/ 16 photos and descriptions. The printing took about 30 minutes including loading more paper. Everyone was impressed with the fliers. I compared the printouts from the C5200n and the C5500n and noticed the standard dither is a bit finer on the C5500n but still noticeable. (The standard on the C5500n is similar to the "best" quality on the C5200n.)

Don't buy this printer to print digital photos for the relatives. Keep a nice inkjet for that. DO buy this printer for anything you want to print in color on plain paper and have look nice. Things like fliers, menus, brochures, etc. are the sweet spot for these kinds of printers.

5.0 out of 5 stars I love this printer!, June 10, 2008
By L. Hunt "" (Tellico Plains, TN USA) - See all my reviews
I recently bought the Okidata C5500 to replace the dying $300 color laser printer I had. I was happy with the old one, but came across the Oki for a price that couldn't be beat (less than $250 at a closeout sale) and decided to go with it. I am so happy I did. The price for the consumables is very similar to what I had been paying for the cheaper printer, so the cost to operate it is much the same, but the quality is way better!

I use the printer to print our weekly bulletins at church and also the color brochures for our small business. The color is bright and crisp, text is clear and easy to read.

Would I buy it again? In a heartbeat! Would I blink at paying the full retail price for it? No, not since I've seen it in action and put it through it's paces myself. It is well worth the price difference between it and the one I had previously. I am very happy with it!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Business-Class Printer, June 5, 2008
By Roger M. Dye (Viña del Mar, Chile) - See all my reviews
This is a business class machine with a 60,000 page/month duty cycle, and you can certainly tell it behaves differently than other light duty printers. The solid build, the powerful but quiet fans, the automatic self-calibration, and the thoughtful design all contribute to the professional caliber of the Oki C5500n.

The Oki C5500N is a great value for home and small office laser printing. We own two of these (one in our home and one in our small office :-) and couldn't be happier with the printers. Here are my observations: